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Jan 1, 2009

stupid f*ing new year

So its a new year and everyone is saying happy new year.. good for you but i don't want to hear it.
I thought my day was going to be good, but I should have known better because that is not how my life is. My day went from good to shitty to awful. I am not completely discouraged and totally angry.
I slept in nice and late, waking up about 9 but not getting bed until 930. Took a shower and left for work. Decided I would start my day off with a delicious hot chocolate from Starbucks. Starbucks now has this gold card thing that is 25 dollars to join and you get 10% off and a free drink on your bday, but other great "surprises" threw the year. Little did I know that you also get a free drink when you join. I joined this morning and planned on using a free coupon I had to get my drink. I was excited to find out I could save it and use it for another time. With that great luck I expected my day to go well.... Then I walked in the doors at work....

The first thing Pablo says to me is "you are going to need to sit down for what I have to tell you". I find out that between a couple rooms there were a few fights in public areas last night. Thankfully nothing was damaged and the cops didn't need to get involved. Technically Pablo probably should have told them they needed to leave but it is okay that he didn't. He also told me that one of these rooms was a room full of girls who decided they would go skinny dipping in our pool. He said there was a bunch of alcohol in the pool area and other stuff that he had to clean up. All in all it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
It took me about 2 hours to finish all of my daily report which was sad but I was checking people out and I kept getting side tracked by other things that I needed to do. So I finished my report and started working on my month end. That had me completely confused so i emailed Dave and asked him to look over it before I left. I also called him so he would know that I need him to look at it because he doesn't always read his emails in a timely fashion.
Today I also found out that I was very wrong about things being better with Nikki. I was told that at the Christmas dinner the owners told her what a great job she did setting up. She then took it upon herself to tell that the management isn't any good in the hotel and if she was given a chance and trained she could do better. That pissed me off so bad. I am tired of her thinking she is better then me when she makes more fuck ups then anyone else. She thinks just because she has more hotel experience that the sun shines out her ass. I know everything about this hotel and she just needs to get that in her head. Now it makes more sense why Dave thought about training her. Miss Vicki also told me that she told Nikki not to give someone a free night but to just give them a discount. Nikki ignored her even thought she had questioned Miss Vicki on what to do and gave the man a free night anyways. She also through a fit the other day when Charlene was helping her and Miss Vicki told Charlene that she needed to go do her own work. She was bitching about how people don't work together and the management doesn't understand team work and all this bullshit. Its like she doesn't realize that people have their own jobs to do before they can help everyone else. By this point I was furious and decided that with all of that and the way she talks to me telling me what to do and how to do my job ( just like she does everyone else) in front of my mom which I think kind of offended my mom that I was going to email that to Dave also. Hopefully Dave will be able to help and we can get rid of her....