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Oct 28, 2008

another Katie Update by katie

After posting the blog this morning a lady from the cath lab came in just to see if I had any questions and to ask a few of her own. She was very nice and left shortly after arriving. Because of not being able to eat my stomach was getting very acidic and with my nerves I was slightly nausous so they gave me something to calm my stomach. They warned me it would make me sleepy which was fine because I had woken up around 430 and was trying to take a nap anyways. I stayed pretty groggy up until they came and got me around 2pm to take me across the hall for the surgery. I was awake enough that I could talk and listen to them but was drugged enough that I kept dozing off. It was fine I guess but the doctor made a comment that he know how something was going to be needed to be fixed. When I asked what he said he would tell me later. After the surgery I never saw him again. Just about 30 minutes ago the on call dr came in to check my wound to see if I was able to sit up at all. I asked him if he knew anything and he said they found exactly what they expected. He couldnt tell me much more then that because that is all he knows. But from the sounds of it the Drs will be here tomorrow discussing surgery. This doc. says they will probably discharge me and bring me back for the surgery which will suck. Lets get thte shit done and over with.
Well time for a few more crackers (they told me i should eat when i was laying flat on my back... like they wanted me to choke or something!!) and sleep.. good night everyone