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Oct 30, 2008

yummy pain killers

Daniel and I just got back from the hospital pharmacy where I got my new pain killers (lets hope they work). While I was there I stopped by the cardiologist office to see if Dr. Adinaro was available because I just had a heart cath done and the bandage was coming off and so I wanted the wound check and re-bandaged if it needed to be. The nurse was like "Bigelow?" lol!! And i was like yes that is me and she told me to hold on and went and found the doctor. He looked at the incision and said it looked good so I do not need to have the bandage anymore.
We talked for a few minutes and he does want me to start a new medication called ranolozine which we have discussed a few times recently.I will start that as soon as the pharmacy gets it which should be Monday.
We also briefly discussed referrals and decided that the referral would be for John Hopkins. He is going to start working on the referral and let me know where we are at with it on Wednesday at my appointment.
Here is a link for the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy division of the heart clinic at John Hopkins.
Click Me


I am incredible irritated right now!
When i left the hospital yesterday they only gave me 15 doses of pain meds which i thought was the stupidest thing in the world. I am not going to the doctor until next wednesday and i average 5 to 6 doses a day. So basically I would run out on saturday and be back in the ER crying in pain. So after getting the run around of who i needed to talk to to get more medication I talked to my PCM. He could not believe that they put me on this particular pain killer. He said it was highly addictive and not something that should be taken regularly like I am taking it. Instead he is going to give me a different medication and said i can take this stuff for pain that may come through. So i tell Dan that it was time to go (he stayed home to make sure i was okay since this was my first day home and therefore my first day doing stuff besides walking from the bed to the bathroom and back in the hospital). So I get ready and THEN he decides he is going to eat. Now he started saying he was hungry 2 1/2 hours ago and when i mentioned mac & cheese he said ok. So i figured he would make it because I can't stand that long to cook anything.When i asked him about it 10 minutes ago he was like i didnt know i was supposed ot make it. I was like wlel there was no way in hell I was going to be cooking. ANYWAYS! I am irritated that I got ready and was ready to walk out the door and he decides to eat now! I am so tired and in pain I really don't want to be going to get the meds. I want him to go by himself but I know that its just easier for my to shut up and go then to fight with him. So he is going to drop me off at the pharmacy in the hospital and then go to the commissary and get some food then come get me.

ANYWAYS sounds like he is almost done so hopefully now it is time to go..

yeah for pain killers!

Oct 29, 2008

New Update from Katie

Hi everyone...

Just a quick note from me and Katie. She is being released today from the Naval Hospital. They do not do the surgery that she needs done there. She will see her regular cardiologist within the next week, and he will refer her to a surgeon, most likely at John Hopkins Med Ctr in Baltimore. They are the third highest rated heart specialty hospital, after Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic. So, she will probably be having surgery sometime int he near future, but we don't know when yet. She'll keep you posted...


Heart Cath Video

For those of you like me, who find medical things interesting even though you don't know what you are looking at download this file.

This file contains the program to watch the video (also in the file) of my heart cath yesterday. You can see my mesh stent in the video which is pretty cool. :)

Enjoy the confusion. I know I did.

Quick Update from Katie

Hey everyone.
I appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers as they mean so much to me. I am doing alright for now. I am still waiting to find out all the details but for now this is what I have been told.
I will be going home today and meeting a cardiac thorasic surgeon HOPEFULLY next week to discuss treatment. They told me that my cath. yesterday looked just like I told them it would. When the doctor this morning was explaining it to me it actually sounded worse then my last one. When they put my stent in it was helping my artery stay open enough that i was getting minimal blood flow through it as my heart compressed, whereas before the stent it closed completely. In yesterdays cath, although the stent was in fine condition there was no blood going through the artery during compressions. There were also some other areas getting little to no blood. I am okay with this information as it is what I was expecting.
What I was not expecting however, was having to go home before ever even speaking with the surgeon who would do the other procedures. Let alone having to wait for the procedure.
Hopefully they will give me enough meds to go home with to help with the pain.
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts that this will continue to move quickly and not be a repeat of 7 yrs ago.

thank you again. :)
I will update more when I know if i am going home for sure. Therefore if you order anything before my mom or I give another update, please send it to the house.


Poor Poor Pityful Me...

SO i am having a little difficultly sleeping. I keep waking up so i figured if I stayed up for a bit when i fell back asleep it would be a little deeper... SO i have been playing on my laptop cause reading will just put me straight back into the sleep I was already in. I was bored and thought I would show you all how pathetic i look.
Thank God for built in web cams.

So there I am, waiting pathetically in the dark for some pain killers... it takes so long :(

Oct 28, 2008

update about Katie


Katie asked me to send a quick update. She had her catheterization this afternoon. Because she is an inpatient, she had to go last. She called me at 2:45 and said they were getting ready to take her in. Dan called about 4:20 and said they were done, and she was back in her room, but they didn't know anything yet. When I spoke to her this evening, a doctor had been in to see her, to pass on some info from her doctor. Her stent is functioning properly (not crushed or obstructed) and they had found exactly what they had expected to find. This doctor told Katie that he thinks that she will be discharged, and then come back for surgery later, but he couldn't say for sure. Her doctor will be in tomorrow to discuss what comes next. I will send another update as soon as she asks me to.

Several people have emailed me with a location to send flowers and or cards. Katie doesn't think that she will go home earlier than Thursday. She is at the Portsmouth (VA) Naval Hospital, Progressive Care Unit #B, Room 14.

If you need her home address...

306 Cannon Dr
Carrollton VA 23314

If you have any specific questions, or messages...please do not hesitate to email me. Katie does have her computer with her, but I believe that the internet there can be sporadic...

Take care, and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers..


another Katie Update by katie

After posting the blog this morning a lady from the cath lab came in just to see if I had any questions and to ask a few of her own. She was very nice and left shortly after arriving. Because of not being able to eat my stomach was getting very acidic and with my nerves I was slightly nausous so they gave me something to calm my stomach. They warned me it would make me sleepy which was fine because I had woken up around 430 and was trying to take a nap anyways. I stayed pretty groggy up until they came and got me around 2pm to take me across the hall for the surgery. I was awake enough that I could talk and listen to them but was drugged enough that I kept dozing off. It was fine I guess but the doctor made a comment that he know how something was going to be needed to be fixed. When I asked what he said he would tell me later. After the surgery I never saw him again. Just about 30 minutes ago the on call dr came in to check my wound to see if I was able to sit up at all. I asked him if he knew anything and he said they found exactly what they expected. He couldnt tell me much more then that because that is all he knows. But from the sounds of it the Drs will be here tomorrow discussing surgery. This doc. says they will probably discharge me and bring me back for the surgery which will suck. Lets get thte shit done and over with.
Well time for a few more crackers (they told me i should eat when i was laying flat on my back... like they wanted me to choke or something!!) and sleep.. good night everyone

Katie Update fromt he beginning.

Alright, so before the fun begins I thought I would write an update of what has lead me to this point.
Last Tuesday, October 21st, I went to work like any other Tuesday. I had done most of my weekly reports Monday so that Tuesday would be quick and painless. Of course last Tuesday I had to finish the budget which I had also started Monday, but silly me didn't save the file as a new file only the temp file which by Tuesday was gone. So I finished my Tuesday reports except for the bills which needed to be coded when Karen got to work. Since I was done with that it was time to work on the budget.. oh joy! Around 10am or so I was working on the budget and Karen came in and asked me a question. As I turned to look at her I got a really bad dizzy spell that lasted for quite a while. When it didn't go away after a few seconds I started to get worried but continued to do my work.
About 30 minutes later I got slightly dizzy again and my chest started to hurt. At that point I called Daniel and told him I was going to call the doctors and I might need him to drive me to the hospital. I called both my cardiologist and my primary care doctor (who is actually and internal medicine doctor, so when I can't get a hold of my cardiologist I can call him and he has some extra experience with hearts.) After about 10 to 15 minutes an internal medicine nurse called me back and said that they wouldn't be able to get me in so to go to an ER. I decided that I would go to the Urgent Care Center at Langley Air Force Base instead of an outside hospital because that is where my doctors are stationed. I have had bad luck with going to hospitals where my doctors are not and getting sent home with out proper care.
Once I got to Langley I was taken into the back very quickly. It is amazing how fast they can move when you say you are a cardiology patient with chest pain. With in 10 minutes of being taken to a bed my Internal Medicine doctor came in saying that he saw I was hear and heard a rumor that a patients defibrillator had fired. Knowing that I had one he thought that it was me. He told me that he had called my cardiologist and he was on his way. After I convinced them that my device had not fired they calmed down. They tried recreating my dizziness to see if it was an inner ear problem that had set me off. When they were unable to recreate the world spinning they decided to give me fluids because I was slightly dehydrated as a result of the cold I was finishing getting over. They told me that I am much more susceptible to dehydration from a cold and it is something that would affect me more than a person with out my disease.
After the fluids were pumped into me they came back in to see how I was feeling but the chest pain I had was still there. It was decided that I needed more fluids so I was admitted. They didn't want to pump in the fluids with out me being admitted because they didn't want me to say I felt better just to go home. If I was admitted I had to stay for at least the night. So I stayed in the hospital for observation Tuesday night.
On Wednesday, they did an echo which results were the same as previous echos. Because they had no obvious reasons for the pain they sent me home with some pain killers and told me to come back if the pain got worse. The only catch was to no go back to Langley as they do not have the tools that would be needed to care for me.
I stayed home from work on Thursday and Friday to get some sleep and rest so that I would hopefully feel better. Instead a headache that I was starting to get in the hospital was getting to bother me so much I wasn't able to sleep well and my chest pain was increasing, especially when I was trying to do things to stay slightly active.
Saturday morning when I started to wake up my head hurt so bad that I couldn't open my eyes so I tried to sleep longer and when I finally woke up I was feeling decent. I had thought about going back to the hospital but because I wasn't that much worse then when I left the hospital I figured I would be okay. But on Sunday, that was a different story.
On Sunday I woke up with an insane craving for McDonald's pancakes. To fulfill my craving (and to just shut me up) Dan took me to get my pancakes. Once we got home and I ate I was hanging out on the couch and was starting to hurt again. The movie Hook was on so I just tried to concentrate on that and convince myself that the pain wasn't that bad. After a short while I was on my right side in a ball with my right arm under my head and my left arm over my head with my hands clasped squeezing my head with tears in my eyes. My head was hurting so bad, along with my chest pain I couldn't take it. It was time to visit the ER again.
Dan had wanted to wait to take me until Monday but because I was in so much pain we went to Portsmouth Naval Medical Center ER on Sunday afternoon. When we got there I didn't even get out the whole reason I was there before they were telling me to come into the back. All I had been able to say was "I have a heart disease and I am having chest pa....". They got my vitals and an EKG in triage and then moved me to a bed in the back for monitoring. They gave me fentinal fairly quickly for the pain because I was hurting so bad. The ER called in the on call Internal Medicine doctor to evaluate me and then he called my PNMC cardiologist. He said he didn't want to make a decision to keep me or send me home, that was up to my doctors.
Obviously... My doctor decided I needed to be admitted. They brought me upstairs and started to get me settled into a room with an older lady. With in 30 minutes they were moving me to a private room because the conclusion about my headache was that it wasn't a simple headache I was having a migraine and needed a dark and quiet room. They put my on oxygen and more fluid and started giving me a stronger pain killer. The IV beeped at me for one reason or another all night which sucked but I was able to get some sleep and with the oxygen, pain killers and dark room my head started to feel a bit better.
On Monday they re-did my echo and started discussing options. One thing they want to do is change one of my medications to a new medication. With the change they have to wait until one of my medications is out of my system. Because it is a new medication they need to monitor me on it for the first day or so therefore I was told I would be staying in the hospital.
As they continued to discuss my case and what should be done they decided we were finally out of options and needed to do a heart catheter to check my stent and other measurements from the inside of my heart. They want to check the pressure of the muscle and see how many of my arteries are being pinched shut as my heart pumps. This procedure should be happening very soon. (it is 7am and they told me around 8:30am).
After the procedure is done they will look over the results and discuss the next option. While speaking with both of my cardiologists, if there is a problem with my stent, more arteries need to be stented or the pressure is just to high (or other problems that may arise), the next step would be open heart surgery.
This surgery is the one that was discussed and planned my senior year of high school. We made it all the way to the night before pre-op and then the surgeon called and said he was not comfortable doing the surgery. He felt at the time that the risks were greater than the benefits and that he was the not the best surgeon to do the procedure under those circumstances.
This surgery has been discussed and swept back under the rug many times over the past few years. I know your thinking "So why now". My doctors feel that we have exasperated all other options at this point and I am still having pain that at this point is only getting worse.
The surgery they want to do consists of 2 parts. The first part is called an unroofing or unbridging of the L.A.D. (Left Anterior Descending Artery).This condition is also known as myocardial bridging. The procedure will remove muscle that has grown over the artery and is now pinching it shut with each beat. The part of this artery that goes deepest into the muscle is where my stent is, however the artery worms its way through the muscle and is embedded it multiple areas.
The second part of the surgery is called a septal myectomy. In this procedure they will remove some of the extra muscle that has grown into my ventricle. My septum is 3.3 centimeters, a normal septum is approximately 1 centimeter.

So that is where we stand at this point. Whether I am having the full surgery or not is still unknown but after going threw previous caths and knowing those outcomes I know that the chances of surgery are on the higher side.

I have tried to make this as easy to understand as possible, but for more information here are a few sites that explain the procedures.

HOCM (the disease itself)
be careful googling the disease as it is a common disease in cats so most sites that come up are about cats.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Organization

Septal Myectomy
Myocardial Bridge (look closely at pictures.. Fig 1A & B>

Another option that has been on the table before is an alcohol ablation. It is similar to the septal myectomy but is less invasive. For this procedure they would do a heart cath and put alcohol into a particular spot of my heart causing a heart attack to kill off some of the extra muscle. The doctors here are not fans of the procedure, especially in my case. Even the doctor who brought the procedure to the US who I have had a consult with says that I am not a good candidate.
Here is a website that compares the alcohol ablation and the septal myectomy.

Oct 27, 2008

Hospitalization Updates Start Here

These updates will be emails from my mom. She will be sending updates as news comes in and they will also be sent here.

Here is the first update

Hey...I am sending out a mass email to ask everyone for your prayers and good thoughts for Katie. She is in the hospital in Portsmouth. Last week, she spent a night in the hospital with extreme chest pains. They ran some tests, and gave her some meds to help with the pain. They didn't a matter of fact, she got an incredible migraine. Yesterday, Dan took her back to the hospital, and they admitted her for observation and more tests. Her chest pains have increased, although the headache has subsided. They discussed changing one of her heart medications. After doing another echocardiogram today, and talking with a cardiovascular surgeon, they have decided to do a heart catheterization tomorrow morning. The stent that was placed in January 2005 may be obstructed, or there may be other obstructions. Based on the cath results, they may decide to do an unroofing procedure and a myectomy, possibly later this week. This is open heart surgery!! These two procedures are the ones that we were going to do back in January 2002, but the surgery was cancelled at the last minute.



Oct 11, 2008

leading up to Jayden Michael

What a few couples weeks these last have been!

It started out with one of our front esk clerks quiting because he couldnt get to work. The reason he couldnt get to work is because he thought it would be a good idea to drive a barely working car through flood water. It didn't make it, instead it flooded the car and he didn't know when he would be able to get it fixed. So we started off by covering his hours. Then, Nikki when out of town for a weekend but some stuff happened and she didnt come back right away. So then we had to cover HER hours.. then on top of that it was time for Frances PLANNED vacation. So we had to cover her hours. So btwn Karen and I we were working the front desk alot. THEN!!! last saturday morning the girl that worked the weekends didnt show up so I got a call at 7:30 telling I needed to come in. So i did. It sucked because my throat was killing me. That night Kurt came over and we hung out for a bit.
On sunday i woke up feeling even worse. I had a full blown cold at this point. Monday I worked and was feeling a little worse. By tuesday I worked and begged to go home because I felt so terrible. I went home and slept. I was only awake for about 3 hours btwn 1pm tuesday and 6am wednesday. 6 am because my smart husband left his ID card at work so I had to drive him to work.
On wednesday Esmie had a dr appt that she was very nervous about. They told her the previous week that on wednesday they would tell her if they were goingt o have to enduce labor early on Oct 24th. So i txted her and wished her goodluck. As i left my house for MY dr appt Esmie txted me back and said that they were keeping her and going to enduce her that day. So I went to my appt and did my Xray and got my antibiotics and then went up stairs. I spent all day with Esmie while they started the process. Jeremy was there for most of the day, he left long enough to get some baby stuff they needed and to pick up dan from work since i had dropped him off. Esmies dad also showed up on wednesday afternoon. He was very nice.
Thursday I went to work for the morning, but once Karen got in I left to go back to the hospital since there was still no baby. The started moving the process a little further giving her more meds and stuff to get her body into labor. Finally thursday around dinner time things really started going. She got her epidural around 7-8pm and then had Jayden by an emergency C-section -- He was borned at 11pm, 10/9/08. She had to have a c-section because his heart rate started dropping too low with each contraction, but they couldnt do the c-section earlier because labor is good for the baby as it helps mature the lungs and other organs.
Yesterday (friday) I got to the hospital on the early side and was there until about 1:30. We got to go see Jayden a few times (i went once with Jeremy and then again with Esmie) The nerse was very funny when it came to esmie seeing him because she hadnt seen him yet the nurse was in shock. She couldnt believe that it was 1:15 in the afternoon and Esmie still had not seen her baby.
That little boy is soo cute and looks just like his daddy.
I am so happy for them and can not wait until he is big enough to come!!

Jayden Michael
11pm on 10/9/08
4lbs 7oz
18 3/4 inches

Oct 3, 2008

Chip and his Spider

So I hear Chip in the kitchen making some weird noises, huffing and puffing and scratching the floor. So I went into the kitchen to see what he is up to and he is playing with a spider. I went and grabbed my camera and made a little video.

Enjoy the entertainment :)