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Aug 26, 2008

Vacation Day 2 & 3

Hello hello

Now much has been going on here in Utah. We have really just been taking it easy and enjoying being away from work! I got some Carl's Jr in my system so I am happy for now!
On sunday Daniel and I drove up to Brighton ski resort which was so pretty! We took a handful of pictures (i will post them when i get them off my camera) When we got back we hung out for a little bit and then Barry and Vickie got home and we went to Carls which was fantastic! They didnt have chicken stars which made me sad but I had a western bacon cheese burger.. MMMMmmmm. :)
Yesterday Daniel and I went to lunch with my mom's college roommate Jane. It was a great to see her and catch up!
Other then that I have been reading the Twilight series... Shame on everyone who said it was good because now I am addicted! I bought the first book right before we left and I read it in 3 days and was going crazy yesterday until I could go buy book 2. The store we went to didn't have book 3 so i figured I would wait until i finished book 2. I do have to say tho..i didnt read it just because people said it was good. I read it because the movie Twilight comes out November 21st, 2008. It is taking the place of Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince since they decided to post pone that until next summer :(

Today is HEROES day! Season 2 was released on dvd today. I can't wait until I can buy it. I was going to buy it while we were here but I am debating waiting. Season 3 doesnt start until the end of the month so I will have time to watch it when we get home.

I think we are planning on going to the zoo today. It should be fun, we are going to call Ben and Tiff here shortly to see if they want to go.
The other night when Daniel and I mentioned to Vickie and Barry that Jane was Park City they started talking about stuff to do up there and one of those things was Zip Gliding. That looks like so much fun and I want ot go so bad. I tried to talk Dan into it but it is kind of expensive. Then after more looking I found out that Snowbird has zip gliding and a bunch of other things to do. You can get an unlimited all day pass for a little more then what it would cost to zip glid once. So I talked ot Dan and pretty much got him to say if everyone else wants to go we will go with them. So i mentioned to Barry and Vickie last night that we were talking about possibly going on Monday with everyone since there is no school and everyone will be here. It will be a nice family outting. I am so excited. I promise to post lots of pictures! :) YEAHHH!!