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Mar 21, 2011

its been 10 years this month since I had my first hit of Ventricular Tachycardia.

Had it on my spring break trip.. 

Its been a while since I wrote anything on here..
 I am doing alright. Having issues with some of the medicine still which right now is bothering my stomach. However because I was rejecting a little bit at my 1 yr appointment I have another appointment this week, so meds will be looked at and changed. Just wish my stomach wasnt so yucky. I also wish that my kidney function will get better with a different medication.
I am a little nervous about this weeks appointment but I know that with whatever results I get it could be worse... i could have my original heart..or be dead.. so that helps w/ my anxiety/nervousness.

Just wish it was saturday so I can have my results and not stress about it.