Hey everyone,
So by now you probably know I was in the hospital last night for chest pain and lightheadedness. They kept me over night more for observation and didn't really do anything but watch my blood pressure. The doctors decided to send me up to Johns Hopkins which is fine with me. We have all decided that we are out of options as we have tried what the doctors at Mayo Clinic recommended. I was also visited by someone from pain management. Sooo it has been decided to lower my heart medication because it isnt helping the pain as much as it is lowering my blood pressure and the dr at JH said he needs some blood pressure to work with. They also decided to up my painkiller dosage and are trying another medication on top of it along with a different break through pain killer.
i will follow up with Pain Management on Friday to discuss how I am feeling on the increase dosage and stuff.
Then i will follow up with my new(er) Cardiologist on May 4th to see how I am doing in general.
After that i will be going to JH for testing, one of which is already scheduled. The stress test tech called to schedule me and I was so sad when she said what it was for. But they have been informed that I do not like stress tests and do not always have a good result so they are going to give me a medication to "stress" my heart instead of making me exercise.
They also want to do a cardiac MRI which they say will be able to tell them if it is my heart that is causing the pain. They will be able to see if the pain is from not enough blood or what not.... so that will be good.
That is my dr update for the day.. Time to finish watching Yes Man with Dan, Dill and Chip then off to bed!
3 years ago