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Feb 26, 2012


Well here we are, it has been 2 full years (to the day) since my heart transplant. I am thrilled that I have had this chance at a healthier life. For those who don't know here is a condensed version of what was going on 2 years ago...
January 25  -- Enter Johns Hopkins Hospital 

February 24 -- Was told because of my placement on the transplant list I could no longer stay in the hospital to wait. While talking with my doctor I asked to go on a medication I didn't like so that I would be moved a little high on the list even though it made me feel worse. To be on this medicine I needed to get a port in my chest called a Hickman line. That way i could be on an IV medication all the time. 

February 25 -- I went into the procedure/operating room to get the port placed. WHILE I was getting this port put in they found me a heart. This is the conversations I had this day...

Me: Can I have something to eat now?
Michele: No maybe in a little while.
Me: not fair I'm hungry

maybe 10 minutes later
Drs: Guess what?
Me: What? (expecting terrible news) 
Drs: We found you a heart
Me: Are you kidding me? OMG  ::CRYING:: omgomgomg ::start dialing Dan's cell::
Drs: Don't tell you anyone yet its not a for sure thing etcetcetc blah blah blah 
Me: (thinking) OMG OMGOMG  totally not listening anymore cause OMG I MIGHT HAVE A HEART
Drs:: blahblahblah we will see you a little later

call dan: 
Me: OMG you need to leave work right now
Dan: why
Me: oh crap one of the techs is here gotta go ::hang up::

call back
Me: ok so you have to leave now; hurry and get here
Dan: why whats wrong
Me; they found me a heart!!
blahblahblah talk to you later

call mom:
Me: I need to talk to you its important I need you to go outside.
Mommy: whats wrong
Me: you NEED to go outside, just do it.
Mommy: Ok give me a couple minutes I will call you back

few minutes later my phone rings
Mommy: Im outside whats wrong
Me: omg omg umm omg they found me a heart!
Mommy: omg are you serious? when? what did they say? omg oh wow omg. wow oh wow.. etc

day 2 of a TON of crying :)

February 26 -- TRANSPLANT DAY!!

February 27 -- taken off of the ventilator and breathing on my own

February 28 -- Standing and Walking for the first time

March 1 -- out of the ICU and into a post transplant ward

March 6 -- out of the hospital and back to my moms for the next month and a half.  

Such a whirlwind. Hard to believe its been 2 years.. Seems just like yesterday...Seems like forever ago..

Just happy to be alive.