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May 23, 2009


Is headed to Utah for Ben's wedding next Friday (Dan's older brother). It should be a fun week, just hope I can keep up!

As soon as we get back we will be leaving for Baltimore. I will be having tests done at Johns Hopkins. Wish me luck!!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend everyone! Be safe!!!!

May 3, 2009

Chip's 2nd Birthday Party


There are the pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. We had a great time hanging with our friends and Chip's friends. We had burgers and chips and cupcakes.. Where as the pups had "Devil's Doggie Food Cake" which is "Our carrot cake with carob mixed in to look and taste like chocolate cake. It is available iced with either a Peanut Butter & Carob icing or a White Fluffy Honey icing." which I ordered from The Working Dog Bakery which just opened in March but has had there sign up for a while which was just calling my name. Here is the link Doggie barkery.LOL I'm hilarious!! Anyways they do deliver so you can always order something :). Once the dogs figured out that it was really for them they loved it. Chip could only eat half his piece and then Bonnie ate the rest a little while later. It was funny.

anyways enjoy the pictures, leave comments if you'd like. :)..